The main purpose of Stainless Steel Angle is to provideprotection of tiled surfaces against chipping and wear.Although similar in purpose to both the Aluminium andBrass Angles, Stainless Steel is used in applicationswhere far superior mechanical and chemical porpertiesare required.Stainless Steel is highly recommended in areas wherestrict sanitary requirements / regulations are in place(i.e: food preparation areas, hospitals, swimming poolareas etc.)Stainless Steel Angle is available in two grades – Grade304 which can be used extensively in domestic andsome commercial environments, however it should belimited only to applications where exposure to water isintermittent, and Grade 316, which can be used in mostenvironments where frequent exposure to water occur.Important Information:Stainless Steel is highly resistant to corrosion.However, dependant on the conditions, StainlessSteel will stain and/or discolour due to surfacedeposits and therefore is not maintenance free.Surface contamination and the formation of depositsmust be prevented.Industrial and naturally occuring atmospheric conditionscan produce deposits and the frequency of cleaning isdependant on the application. A simple rule is; -Cleanthe metal when it is dirty in order to restore its originalappearance-Never clean Stainless Steel with steel wool.Marine Grade (316) is the most suited for corrosionresistance, but it still requires preventative maintenance.Chlorine and salt deposits will result in discolourationand possible surface pitting if left unattended.
Stainless Steel Tiling Angle Grade 316 8mm X 2.5M
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